RUSU Club Leader Resources

Risk Management

Risk Management resources and processes for RUSU club events 

RUSU wants its' clubs to deliver events as safely as possible.

This page include the links to the required event risk management approval form (ERMA), the Club Camp Prep Form, the RMIT Security Event Risk Assessment form (SERA) and a medical consent form template (for overnight/high risk activities). 

There is also a range of resources to assist clubs to manage some key legal obligations they might encounter when planning and promoting their events -  copyright (music, images and films),  food safety, responsible service of alcohol (RSA), liquor licencing and more!

Event Risk Management Application (ERMA)

Clubs must submit an ERMA for all club events (whether held on or off-campus) except for regular club leader admin/planning meetings. Events that do not gain approval must NOT go ahead.

Club Leaders who fail to submit an ERMA or who proceed with an event even if the approval is denied, face loss of club privileges and even student misconduct charges by RMIT. 

Also, no approval = no insurance. This will mean the club's leaders open themselves to personally liability for damages/costs from their events.

IMPORTANT - CHILD SAFETY - Clubs that wish to open their membership and/or events to students under 18 years of age must meet the Child Safety requirements as detailed in the Child Safety section.

Overnight activities 

If your club is planning an overnight activity such as a camp, please also complete the RUSU Clubs Camp Prep Form 

Security Risk Assessment Application (SERA)

The nature of your club event might also require you to complete a Security Event Risk Assessment (SERA). This is for RMIT Security to determine if your event/activity must have a RMIT Security presence at it. One RMIT Security Guard costs about $50 for a 3 hours minimum shift - the club must pay for this!

The main reasons for requiring RMIT Security at an on campus event/activity include:

You should received direction to submit a SERA from the department you book the on-campus space through (Venus, RUSU etc).

If you arrange a space a different way and you think you may need to submit a SERA, contact Security directly (email below). 

Email if you have questions about security needs/process .

IMPORTANT - Part 1 of the SERA asks for an Internal Order Number (ION). RUSU Clubs do not have an ION.

Instead, fill in the next section "If no internal order number available" -  put the name of your RMIT student club and the personal (Melbourne) home address of the club leader submitting the SERA.

Clubs must be clear they are booking for an official RMIT student club on all booking forms! If you don't, you will be charged commercial rates instead of an internal RMIT rates! 

Food Safety

For simple food events, ensure club leaders an volunteers have a good understanding and practice of food safety principles. To get this, they can do this free online course (available in multiple community languages) -

Read the guide to Food Safety for Community Groups.

Responsible Service of Alcohol

Events that serve alcohol must adhere to the Responsible Service of Alcohol guidelines. See further below for some important signage to assist your club to meet its' RSA obligations at events 

RSA Guide

Liquor Licensing

Does your club event need a liquor licence? 

Find Out Here

Where can we find out more about applying for a temporary liquor licence?

Find out here 

Important Signage

This section includes posters that you can download for your event, including Responsible Service of Alcohol Posters, Social Distancing & Filming & Photography.

RSA Signage:
Additional Signage:

Medical Consent

If you are planning a Club camp or major excursion, you may need to obtain medical information from attendees for their personal safety. Please note this is not required for standard events such as movie screenings or food and drink functions.

Medical Consent

Movies, Copyright & Classification 

If you are planning a movie night, you may need to obtain public performance rights from the copyright owner. This applies even if your event is free to attend +/or if one of your members owns the DVD or Netflix subscription (etc)! These rights are usually held by the distributor of the movie.

You'll, also need to be mindful of the Australian classification of the movie - you can't show an "R" rated film if under 18s are allowed to attend or the movie can be seen by people walking past the event space ! Any movie that hasn't been officially classified in Australia is considered an "R".

Read the info sheet for more info - if you're planning to perform a play or musical, contact your Clubs Officer for specific advice 

Info about Film Copyright and Classification 
