RUSU Orientation

All About RUSU

Looking For A Friendly Face On Campus?

Look no further, RUSU is here! University life isn't just about studying – it's also about having fun, making new friends, and developing as a person beyond the classroom. The RMIT University Student Union (RUSU) can help you to do all of these things, and more, through a range of departments, programs, campaigns and activities you can get involved in.

RUSU is most definitely here for you. We are your friendly face on campus, and a great way to meet new people, join in with some fun events, meet like-minded people through our clubs, gain work experience through our volunteering programs, or simply access some of our many services.

Welcome To RUSU!

What Is RUSU Anyway?

RUSU is your RMIT University Student Union. We exist to represent students at RMIT, and enhance campus life. RUSU was founded in 1945 by Mr John Storey. RUSU is the only 100% independent body at RMIT. We are run for students, by students and we are here to ensure that your university experience extends beyond lectures, assignments, research and theses!

RUSU is your voice within RMIT and the wider community. We are here to serve students’ best interests and empower you through the areas of advocacy, campaigns, representation, student media, campus life and student services and spaces on campus. You can find out lots more about RUSU by having a look around this website, following our socials, and subscribing to our newsletter, but in the meantime, just know...

We are here for you when you need us!

Join RUSU Now!

By becoming a RUSU financial member for the year, you ensure that the RUSU can continue to make a difference. RUSU is a not-for-profit organisation, so you can be sure that all monies raised go towards improving the lives of RMIT students - serving more students, more often.

It costs just $10 to join RUSU, and you get access to a bunch of neat offers, discounts, giveaways and more! So sign up today.

What benefits do I get as a member?

Where do we start?!

  • Discounts to major RUSU events
  • RUSU Member only events
  • Free RUSU merch
  • Exclusive newsletter updates
  • Exclusive entry into competitions
  • Discounts at Realfoods Cafe (City/Bundoora Campus)
  • RUSU Bar Access
  • Earlybird access to events
  • Opportunity to participate in surveys to help shape the union
  • ... and more fun things to be announced throughout 2020

How do I become a RUSU member?

  • Simply click the 'Join RUSU Now!' button below
  • Complete the signup form and pay your $10
  • Collect your 2021 RUSU member sticker from our Info Counters (open times may vary)
  • Done! Easy Peasy

Join RUSU Now!

Contact Us

You can contact RUSU by any of the following:

  • Phone: +61 3 9925 1842
  • Email:
  • Post: PO Box 12387 Franklin Street, Melbourne VIC 3000 Australia

Or, simply pop by and visit us at one of our RUSU Info Counters. But be aware that our opening times may vary at the moment, until we are back to full capacity on campus.



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Life On Campus

RUSU is proud to represent the needs of a unique, ever-changing and diverse student body at RMIT by offering more than 100 Clubs. Our Clubs Department is dedicated to helping students explore their creative, social, professional, political, spiritual, sporty and cultural identities by supporting a wide array of campus clubs. Each of our clubs are run by RMIT students for RMIT students and membership is open to all. You can explore the full range of clubs available at RMIT by clicking the link below.


Explore Clubs


What Our Clubs Say...

Our amazing RUSU clubs wanted to tell you how amazing being part of a club can be! Clubs are such a beautiful way to make friends, foster industry connections and develop your personal interests. So let's hand over to just some of our RUSU Club Leaders to tell you how much fun being part of a club can be...


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RUSU is rightfully famous for our amazing events! From Welcome Bash to End of Exams, they are the HOT ticket on campus. Sadly, our events have taken a back seat in 2020, thanks to Covid (NOT!). But we can't wait to be back on campus, and bringing you incredible events again, as soon as it's safe for us to do so.

In the meantime, look out for our smaller, more intimate RUSU events, as well as online activities such as quiz nights! And don’t forget to look out for the other things we do, such as our free breakfasts and lunches - available on every campus at least once per week.

Want To Make New Friends While Making A Difference?

Volunteering at RUSU gives you a chance to develop new skills and socialise with fellow students as you gain practical experience in a supported environment. Take a chance to do something different as you expand your social and professional networks. All skills developed through volunteering can assist you in preparing for paid work outside of uni – win, win!

As a RUSU Volunteer, you’ll get access to:

  • Accredited training related to your volunteer role, such as RSA, Food Safety and Youth Mental Health First Aid
  • Supervision and support from RUSU staff
  • Professional and leadership development opportunities
  • Social activities and events just for RUSU Volunteers
  • Recognition on your RMIT transcript and a certificate if you complete at least 15 hours of volunteer work with RUSU

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Realfoods is RUSU's very own social enterprise Cafe, specialising in delicious and wholesome vegan and vegetarian food. We’re all about sustainability, too. And for 2021, we've launched our Realfoods @ Home take home meals service - so that you can enjoy all your favourite, healthy Realfoods meals at home. Realfoods operates on both City and Bundoora campuses, and we're so proud to be staffed by our incredible student volunteers.


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RUSU’s media wing encompasses Catalyst, the flagship student publication at RMIT, and RMITV, Australia’s leading community television production house. Together with SYN radio, they are the RMIT Media Collective. Any RMIT students who want to gain media experience can volunteer to contribute to the Media Collective, wherever their area of interest lies. And if you can't decide, choose all three!


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RUSU’s departments reflect the wide variety of students we have at RMIT. Each department brings like-minded people together, runs events, and aims to represent students interests in the best possible way. We aim to give a voice to student body, to give awareness to issues that affect all students, and to help students come together to support each other and make lifelong friends. For our full list of every department that RUSU offers, see below, and find out more by checking out each department's page on the RUSU website.

  • Activities Department
  • Education Department
  • Indigenous Department
  • International Department
  • Postgraduate Department
  • Queer Department
  • Sustainability Department
  • Vocational Education Department
  • Welfare Department
  • Women's Department

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RUSU Advocacy & Welfare Services

RUSU’s Student Rights Service helps students understand the Policies and Procedures that affect them at RMIT. It helps students to be assertive and respectful about seeking outcomes through interactions with RMIT staff, and when necessary advocate on their behalf to the university.

The student rights service works with students who need help with academic issues, or problems with RMIT’s processes or procedures.

RUSU student rights service is staffed by experienced professionals (Student Rights Officers), and it is completely confidential and independent from RMIT University.


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If you believe that you have been treated unfairly or need advice about issues like Assessment appeals, special consideration, plagiarism, complaints, academic progress, remission of debt in special circumstances etc., you should book an appointment to see one of our student rights officers.

Our Student Rights Officers can provide independent advice about issues you are facing at RMIT, and can also represent students at hearings. This service is free for RMIT students.

You can book an appointment by either calling us on 9925 5004 or by sending us an email to


Email Us

Here at RUSU, we're passionate about creating a better future at RMIT. RUSU works hard to advocate for students and run campaigns that result in meaningful changes for students. We continue to be committed to improving facilities for students across all campuses, and to giving students a proactive voice through initiatives such as the Student Staff Consultative Committee (SSCC).

2021 Priorities

This year the SUC has compiled a list of our top 20 priorities to try and ensure the best possible student experience at RMIT. We know a lot of students are going through a tough time and we have tried our very best to create a blend of initiatives that focus on ensuring immediate support to students impacted by COVID 19, whilst also putting plans into place that will hopefully serve students for many years to come.


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Staffed by qualified social workers and highly trained volunteers, Compass is RUSU’s welfare service, where students can go for information, referral and advice about any issues they may be facing. Compass can refer you to both onsite and community support services. No issue is too big or too small for our Compass team.

Compass is here to support you no matter what 2021 looks like. Our Compass Coordinators are qualified social workers, who are available via email to provide you with a range of support, Monday to Thursday 10am–4pm.


Contact Compass

Your Self-Care Matters

Read the Compass guide to self-care ideas, to help you look after yourself this year.


Read The Guide

For Mental Health Support:

  • Lifeline: 131 114
  • Beyond Blue: 1300 22 4636

To contact RMIT for wellbeing support:


RMIT Wellbeing

Check out the RUSU Community Resources page for helpful services near you:


RUSU Resources
