Taiwanese Student Association

RMIT Taiwanese Student Association aims to connect all Taiwanese students within the university, as well as those who are interested in Taiwanese culture.

2024 free memberships are now open!Please use this link to join/rejoin

The RMIT Taiwanese Student Association aims to:

  • Create a warm and welcoming community for Taiwanese students at RMIT, helping them settle into university life and fostering friendships with students from all walks of life.
  • Organize fun-filled leisure activities and recreational events exclusively for the Taiwanese student community at RMIT, ensuring everyone feels included and has a great time together. 
  • Share the vibrant tapestry of Taiwanese culture with the entire campus, inviting all students to join in the celebration and exploration of Taiwan's unique traditions and customs.


2023 RTSA歡慶中秋活動:猜燈謎
2023 RTSA歡慶中秋活動:猜燈謎

2023 RTSA歡慶中秋活動:一起烤肉賞月!
2023 RTSA歡慶中秋活動:一起烤肉賞月!
