Your Student Representatives

2025 Student Reps

Finbar Bray



Fin has been a highly involved member of the RMIT student community as a volunteer and club executive. As RUSU Welfare Officer in 2024 Fin oversaw the introduction of the Compass pop-up cupboards, championed RUSU’s collaboration with the Just Food Collective and supported the campaign to lower the age of Centrelink independence. In 2025 Fin will continue to focus on supporting students who are impacted by the ongoing cost-of-living crisis and working to ensure the wellbeing of all students. As President, Fin aims to guide RUSU in providing exceptional student experiences and advocating for students in all aspects of their learning, safety, and wellbeing. 

Fin is currently studying a Bachelor of Urban and Regional Planning.

Dulan Ariyathilaka

General Secretary


Dulan has been a keen participant in a number of student run clubs over the years and became involved in RUSU as a way to give back to the student communities that have supported him. In 2024 Dulan was the RUSU Bundoora Campus Coordinator and has been using his wealth of experience as a Bundoora student to advocate for increased student life, services and resources for students at Bundoora. In his role as General Secretary Dulan will ensure that RUSU continues to provide programs and services for all students, including student welfare and support, RUSU-affiliated clubs, events and advocacy services.  

Dulan is studying a Double Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering and Business Management.

Bunny Wadhwa

Education Officer

Nishtha Rana

Communications Officer

Amandi Peiris

Activities Officer

Tandeep Singh

Postgraduate Officer

Thathya Grover

Welfare Officer

Samuel Coombs

Disabilities & Carers Officer

Cornelia Shen

International Officer

Snigdha Garg

Brunswick Coordinator

Mathy Sivakumar

Bundoora Coordinator

Tanya Ajit

City Coordinator

Amellysha Amran

Women’s Officer

Luna McCleod

Queer Officer

Maya Szyszko

Queer Officer

Tess Cristiano

Indigenous Officer

Maddie Quail

Indigenous Officer

Thikshani Abayasekara

Sustainability Officer

Ashar Husain

Clubs and Societies Officer

Daiyan Mustansir

Vocational Education Officer

Yoan Theodore

City Representative

Amrutha Baburaj

Brunswick Representative

Georgia Collier

Bundoora East Representative

Karthik Karkala

Bundoora West Representative

Dilushi Prasanna

Catalyst Editor

Manaal Soomro

Catalyst Editor

Megan Tran

Catalyst Editor

Ben Milne

General Representative

Nick Ni

General Representative

Kashish Juneja

General Representative

Felicity Monk

General Representative

Holly Medlyn

General Representative