Christian Union

We are a great group of people where you can make friends and grow as a Christian, or explore what Christianity is all about.

RMIT Christian Union is one of the largest and most active student clubs at RMIT. We want to know God as we live at RMIT. We spend time having fun together, listening to God speak through Bible teaching, praying together, eating together, and learning together. It's a real community, centered around the wonderful God! Our members end up spending a lot of their time together outside of class and CU activities and really make the club their own.

Annual Membership information

If you are a new member, please contact us through our quick contact form BEFORE you officially join the club - see the "contact us (new members)" link in the menu - one of the clubs' RMIT student leadership team will reach out to you to tell you about the club. When you attend a club activity, and you are sure you want to be an active part of the club, we'll get you to complete the official membership form.

Returning Members,please go straight to the Join or Renew button in the menu  to re-join for 2024.
If you've joined a club through RUSU web before, you should already have a log-in account. Log in through the pop-up and this will take you to the club membership form -If you don't have an account in the RUSU web system, there is a link to set one up at the bottom of the pop-up. Do that and you will be taken to the club membership form. Please note - this is not the same as joining RUSU (that's the "Join" button at the top).

For info about our events, please check our facebook and webpage!
Connect with us through our Facebook Page, Instagram page or email us via
